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Cornelius、青葉市子、GEZAN、OKAMOTO’S、ceroなど、数々のジャケットデザイン、21_21 DESIGN SIGHT「AUDIO ARCHITECTURE」展におけるグラフィック等、音楽シーンを中心に幅広く活動するグラフィック・デザイナー北山雅和。個展『TYPOGRAFFITI 1 -INVISIBLE-』(2015)から続く TYPOGRAFFITI シリーズのグッズを展開するオンラインストアです。展示を契機に、SEALDs、PERFUME、METAFIVE、C.R.A.C.、河村康輔、adidas、UNDERCOVER MAD STORE、KEBOZ、岡村靖幸と多様なコラボレーションを重ねながら制作を続けています。 Masakazu Kitayama is a graphic designer who has worked extensively in the music scene, including numerous jacket designs for artists such as Cornelius, Ichiko Aoba, GEZAN, OKAMOTO'S, and cero, as well as graphics for the 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT “AUDIO ARCHITECTURE” exhibition. This online store offers goods from the TYPOGRAFFITI series, which began with his solo exhibition “TYPOGRAFFITI 1 -INVISIBLE-” (2015). The exhibition led to a series of diverse collaborations with SEALDs, PERFUME, METAFIVE, C.R.A.C., Kosuke Kawamura, adidas, UNDERCOVER MAD STORE, KEBOZ, and Yasuyuki Okamura, while continuing to produce his work. 北山雅和 1967年、神戸生まれ。コンテムポラリー・プロダクションを経て1998年にHelp!設立。CDジャケット・デザインを中心に、J SPORTS “Foot!” 等、サッカー番組のアート・ディレクション、ロゴ・デザインも手がける。2007年、作品集 “LiGHT STUFf” を刊行(第11回文化庁メディア芸術祭審査委員会推薦作品選定)。2011~12年、NHK –連続テレビ小説–「カーネーション」タイトルロゴ・デザインを担当。2015~16年に個展『TYPOGRAFFITI 1 -INVISIBLE-』をAL(東京)、PULP(大阪)、代官山蔦屋書店(東京)の3箇所にて開催。2017年、“CHANGE”が東京TDC賞2017に入選。 Masakazu Kitayama Born in Kobe in 1967. After working for Contemporary Production, he established Help! in 1998, and has worked mainly on CD sleeve design, as well as art direction and logo design for football programs such as J SPORTS "Foot!” In 2007, he published a collection of his works, "LiGHT STUFf" (which was recommended by the jury of the 11th Japan Media Arts Festival). In 2015-16, his solo exhibition "TYPOGRAFFITI 1 -INVISIBLE-" was held at AL (Tokyo), PULP (Osaka) and Daikanyama Tsutaya Shoten (Tokyo). In 2017, "CHANGE" was selected for the Tokyo TDC Award 2017.